Signs it’s Time to Engage a Recruitment Agency

“I’m struggling to find the right talent for my business.”

“The hiring process is taking too much of my time.”

 “I already have enough things to do.”

These are some common reasons that we hear from our clients when they decide to engage with an experienced recruitment agency like Stitch Recruitment.

If you or your colleagues are saying any of the above, then maybe it’s time to consider getting some professional assistance with your recruitment.

Additionally, there are some unspoken indicators that your company might need some help finding talent. These include external market factors, internal team set up and resourcing, and lack of expertise in best practice recruitment strategy.

1. Employment Market Landscape

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has indicated that unemployment is currently at 5.3% creating pressure on hiring managers to source the right talent for their business.

While this is great for the general economy, with figures this low companies are forced to spend more time sourcing and hunting for suitable talent for their business – exhausting resources and time- which let’s be honest no manager has on their hands.

This is a chance for you to weigh up whether this is the best use of your time, or would you benefit from the assistance of a specialist recruitment agency who has a pool of experienced candidates readily available?

2. Time isn’t on your side

Is your HR Manager too stretched? Maybe you don’t have an in-house HR Team…

Modern managers are being tasked with more responsibility than ever but the same number of hours in the day. Add the task of recruitment into their day, and you risk making a bad hire – which leads to further time taken up by a second hiring process

By reaching out to an experienced recruitment agency, you are ensuring that they are shortlisting the best candidates for you out in the market which takes the pressure off you and your staff.

3. The Hiring Process

Hiring staff is like dating, take too long and they lose interest. Rush the process and you may miss vital signals that they are just not right for you.

Making sure you have a tight hiring process, and sticking to it, is crucial when recruiting new talent – something not all companies are experienced with or can 100% commit to.

When you engage a recruitment agency, you are collaborating with experts in the hiring process who will guide you through best practice recruitment strategies.

By providing a qualified candidate shortlist, coordinating interviews and managing the entire recruitment process, your recruiter will make the turnaround from search to signing quick and effective and safeguard you from losing top talent out in the market.

4.“The Reach”

It’s hard to know where to start when recruiting for staff.

Most companies will source talent using traditional methods. They will post an advertisement on an online job board and hope that their dream employee clicks “apply now”.

Whilst this style of recruiting can sometimes be successful it is proven that the best hires are with passive candidates. These are candidates that haven’t even hit the market yet, they are not actively looking but if the right opportunity presents’ they will be open to moving.

Passive Candidates are the gems, the gold nuggets, the cream of the crop employees that you want to engage. They are more likely to make a considered decision when accepting a role and ultimately become a long term employee.

Recruiters are experienced in sourcing, headhunting and engaging with passive or hard to find candidates. When you engage with a recruitment agency, you will have a wider net of candidates that are typically out of “the reach” of traditional advertisements.

Experienced recruiters should have access to a pool of passive candidates in multiple industries and, if they don’t have anyone suitable, they will have the tools, skills and resources to headhunt top talent to fit your businesses exact needs.

Let’s be honest, your time is precious. Hiring talent needs to be as stress free and as seamless as possible. When engaging with Stitch Recruitment, we will take the hassle and pressure out of recruiting and find you the best talent in the market.

Contact our experienced Stitch Team with your next temporary or permanent vacancy – we’re here to help.


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