Our Specialisations.

blue background pin board web of network related to recruitment specialisations of stitch recruitment

With over 20 years of industry experience, Stitch Recruitment is built purely from our referrals and personal networks.

Through our experience and in-depth knowledge, Stitch Consultants can confidently operate in niche markets, networking deeper than most to find you the best talent. Our Consultants are experts in their fields, with direct industry experience. They are able to dive into the true needs of both candidates and clients, and because of this, Stitch has a solid placement retention rate.

We understand that at times it can be difficult to find the right talent for your business. That’s why our experienced Consultants are constantly market mapping within their industry specialisations, taking the time to understand our candidates, and ensuring that we are presenting the strongest available talent for your business needs.

What People Say About Stitch.