How to Master a Video Interview

With video interviewing becoming more and more popular, some might even say these days “the norm” – candidates need to be prepared more than ever on how to master an online interview. 

There’s no more need to feel nervous or stressed, here are a few tips on how to conduct a quality video interview. 

Step 1 – Your Tech Set-Up

Make sure you are well equipped and that your technology is all set up and running efficiently - choose a device that you use regularly and feel comfortable with. Double check your internet connection, battery life, the camera and audio quality and always have a test run of the application you will be conducting the video interview on – you don’t want to be fumbling through on the day. 

I always recommend carrying out a few practice interviews on the app prior to make sure everything is running smoothly and you can navigate the program correctly. 

Step 2 – Your Location

Being as professional as possible is important. Take note of your surroundings – you want to give off a good impression from the start. Make sure you choose an area in your house that is quiet, brightly lit and clean. 

Scope out a spot in the house where you won’t be disturbed. It might be your home office, a corner table in your bedroom or the dining table – where-ever it is, make sure it is a location where you can’t be distracted. 

Double check the lighting prior to the interview, you want it to be bright, natural and clear for the interviewer to see you. Trial out a few locations throughout your house to see which spot gets prime lighting so you look your best.

Step 3 – What to Wear

Don’t get too comfortable just because you’re conducting your interview from home – dress corporate, as you would for any in-person interview. I know it seems obvious but make sure you have neat hair, make-up or are clean shaven – interviewers take note of the little things.

When choosing your outfit, try and steer away from bright colours or bold patterns as they don’t come up well on camera and can be distracting. 

Step 4 – The Interview

Now it’s your time to shine! It can feel awkward having a video interview as opposed to in-person, but it doesn’t have to be. Being prepared and confident is key. Research the company prior to the interview along with the interviewer – go on the company website and view their LinkedIn profile – you want to make sure you are across it.

Be aware of your body language; have great eye contact, show expression and smile. Be as natural and comfortable as possible. Make sure that you show your engagement throughout the interview; look, acknowledge, even a slight nod to show the interviewer you are listening. 

Finally relax and be yourself. Interviews are a chance for both parties to see if this is a mutual long-term fit. It doesn’t have to be scary – think of it as having a discussion with your potential new manager.

If you are seeking a temporary or permanent position within Financial Advice, Finance & Accounting or Business Support then contact the Stitch Team - we’ve got your next role covered.


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